By Alona Orofino
01. Take stock of what you’ve got
Instead of looking at the external, think of what your body has done and is currently doing for you. Make a list that you can access when you don’t like what you see in the mirror.

02. Grieve your old body
You may or may not ever get back to the body you once had and that’s ok! Part of accepting where you are now is not staying in a place where you are comparing to your old self. Do what you need to let her go.
03. Study yourself
Look inward to see what you need then research ways to meet those needs. That may be more or less movement, more structure or flexibility in eating styles, more sleep, or less stress. This will shift you from the feeling of helplessness around your body to positive action.

04. Stop holding yourself
Stop focusing on what will happen if you lose the weight. Do the things on your list now. You may never be completely ready to wear the bathing suit in public, but do it anyway. No waiting or goal weight necessary.
05. Find body-confident role models
Follow some people that have a similar shape and size and exhibit confidence. Unfollow people that are self-deprecating. Positivity is contagious!