The Journey to Finding More Satisfaction in Eating
By finding satisfaction in your food, you’ll be less likely to overeat and you’ll seek out the foods and nutrients that your body truly needs for optimal health.
4 Strategies To Start Getting Out Of Diet Mentality
Check out these 4 tools that will help you stand strong against the diet mentality and inspire you to stay off the diet train.
A Hot Take For How to Stop Binge Eating at Night
Try eating breakfast, lunch, and snacks in between. Giving yourself proper nourishment regularly and on purpose may help you stop binge eating at night.
Intuitive Eating – You Mean I Can Eat Whatever I Want And Find Health?
One of the most common misconceptions about Intuitive Eating is that you end up eating anything and everything with zero regard to your health.
All Things Body Image
If you don’t like yourself (body included), how are you supposed to take care of yourself? Here are 5 ways to start the process of body acceptance.
The [body] struggle is REAL
We may struggle to feel great in our bodies as they change throughout our life, something we can’t control. But we can control our behaviors and relationship with food.