I’m someone who struggles sometimes. Someone who struggles to feel great in her body. Someone who has lingering disordered thoughts around food and exercise. Someone who doesn’t always “get it right” and is learning to not beat herself up about it.
You’re not alone.
It’s easy to make assumptions about people. It’s easy to look at the surface and assume that people have it all together (hello Instagram!). The reality is that we all struggle to some degree. Yes, I’m a Nutritionist, BUT I’m also human. All of the struggles that one goes through around food and body have affected me as well. I’m not immune. I actually thought, at one time, that by getting an advanced degree in nutrition, I’d have all the answers. I was wrong.
Our bodies are constantly changing, from childhood to puberty, adulthood to late adulthood. They are not meant to stay the same. And this may mean that your nutritional needs may change. This may mean that your physical activities need to change. And what it most certainly will mean, is that you will inevitably gain (and maybe even lose) weight over the course of your life. We don’t always have control over the changes our bodies go through. In fact, there are so many things that are out of our control. But the thing you can focus on are your behaviors. The things that add up to a longer, more fulfilling life.
Healing is not linear
You don’t wake up one day being able to eat intuitively and loving your body. Healing is about momentum. The emphasis is on moving forward and moving upward. And when you find yourself beating yourself up, introduce curiosity and compassion. Those two things will take you a long way.
So the next time you are struggling, remember that we all are, to some degree. Sometimes more, sometimes less. And sometimes somewhere in between.

You can prioritize your health AND accept your current body! Schedule a Food Freedom Fundamentals call today!