Have you ever been around someone who eats to live and thought how in the world? Have you ever felt alone in your incessant thoughts around food? Are you someone who overthinks what you ate if it was “unhealthy”? Are you someone who restricts so you can eat more later?
Well you’re in the norm.
Most people have issues around food, whether they like to admit it or not. Most people use food as a reward, a punishment, an emotional crutch, or simply as a way to control their body.
Many people talk about food in terms of health, but the reality is that most people don’t have a problem knowing what foods are healthy for them. Rather it’s a relational issue.
We are taught many things about food from a young age. Some of us saw the adults in our life diet or talk about food in terms of whether it is good or bad.
And even if you grew up in the most food neutral home in the world, you likely got that messaging from the culture at large. Maybe from your favorite TV show or movie, maybe from advertisements, maybe from your peers.
Regardless, most of us currently live with a less than ideal relationship with food.
So what does food freedom look like?
Food freedom looks like making choices about food that have nothing to do with other people. It looks like choosing foods that make you feel good. It looks like feeling quite neutral about all foods, knowing that you will always have the option to eat whatever you like. It looks like honoring your body by not getting to the point where you are starving, most of the time. It looks like stopping to eat when you feel pleasantly full, most of the time. It looks like eating for satisfaction instead of what you think you “should” eat.
It feels normal. It feels unimportant to a degree. And it feels like your mind is free to think of 1000 other things instead.
When we restrict food, whether it be through calorie restriction, restricting certain types of food, or not eating regularly enough, our bodies and minds are hardwired to make food seem like the most important thing. That’s because your body wants to survive and wants to feel safe.
Restriction inevitably turns into obsession with food at some point. Maybe not on your first diet or the first time you lose weight. But it is inevitable.
With food freedom, you eat at regular, predictive intervals, for the most part. And the result is that your body can relax and your mind can release the obsession because it’s fed and safe.
Food freedom is a result of having a healthy and balanced relationship with food.
Intrigued? Then let’s chat.